John lived on a farm about five miles from his

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Cheap Jerseys from china The effort spent $3.6 million in advertising across all three countries, a sum that Facebook executives said was notable for its size and reflective of what happens when actors with deep pockets mount a disinformation operation. The pages had amassed more than 500,000 followers, Facebook said.Friday’s report, by the Stanford Internet Observatory, a disinformation research group that had been provided data by Facebook, focused on the accounts active in Bolivia and Venezuela, including several real accounts operated by CLS Strategies employees. The researchers did not find that the accounts closed by Facebook operated in tandem to artificially amplify content, but they found that 11 of the accounts targeting Bolivia were opened in the same time period, in February 2020, and listed four managers in the United States, one in Bolivia and one in Venezuela.The report also noted that CLS Strategies employees had previous professional ties to opposition political leaders in Venezuela.The accounts targeting Bolivia supported Interim President Jeanine ez and criticized her predecessor, Evo Morales, who resigned amid nationwide protests in November after nearly 14 years in office.One of the fake Facebook pages, Prohibido olvidar, posted content mainly about allegations of electoral fraud by Morales and had 524 likes and 595 followers, the report found Cheap Jerseys from china.